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Chiropractor Neck Pain


Neck pain is a relatively common ailment, of most of us will experience at least once in our lifetime. In most cases, neck pain will improve and disappear on its own, but if you frequently suffer from this problem, or find that conventional ways of relieving your pain are not working, you may want to consider chiropractic care. 

About Neck Pain

The neck is a very important part of our body, containing the very top of the spine, called the cervical spine as well as many blood vessels and nerves that supply structures including our esophagus, larynx, trachea and thyroid gland. The neck is also home to major blood vessels including the carotid arteries and jugular veins.

When there is tension in the neck, it can have a significant impact on the flow of blood between the head and body, as well as cause compression of the nerves and potentially the spinal cord. When this happens, it can have an effect on other areas of the body, including the upper and lower limbs.

You do not have to live with neck pain

Most of us will experience neck pain, a problem affecting a third of adults at any given time. Fortunately, most are mechanical and relate to poor posture and function. The severity can range from being a nuisance to a major disability, but most cases can be dealt with effectively.

Neck pain may also be linked to headaches, muscle strain, jaw problems, disturbance of vision, some types of stroke, disorders affecting the arms, shoulders or hands, and wear and tear. Age, gender and genetics can also increase the risk.

People with neck pain should stay active and not expect a quick fix or a single cause – the pain is often due to a number of factors.

Chiropractic care, including specific exercises and advice on improved posture, can help ease many neck problems.

Seek emergency medical help for:
• A sudden or explosive onset of a headache associated with neck pain
• A headache and neck pain associated with fever
• The sudden onset of bowel and bladder incontinence

What Causes Neck Pain?

In many instances, the exact cause of neck pain may never be known, but some of the most common causes believed to be behind the majority of cases include:

  • Sleeping in an awkward position

  • Bad posture

  • Trapped nerve

  • An injury, such as from a vehicle collision or fall

The pain you experience may also differ. It may be a constant dull ache or a sharp pain that occurs when you place your head a certain way or perform a specific movement, such as turning your head from side to side. 

In many cases, neck pain may be accompanied by other symptoms, including swelling or inflammation in the neck, pain that radiates into the shoulders or upper arms, or headaches

Neck pain: chiropractic solution

Neck pain is one of the most common symptoms that brings patients to look for chiropractic care. And with reason! Chiropractor like Ida Norgaard, is trained to detect the presence of vertebral subluxations that could cause this type of pain. Interfering with work, exercise and family activities, neck pain generates more than mere physical anxieties. Continue reading to learn how chiropractic care can decrease your pains, and that, quite naturally.

Well-balanced preoccupation of neck pain

Ida Norgaard, Chiropractor, find that patients with neck pain (cervical) often suffer from a recovery or overturning the natural curve of the neck.

When looks at the side, the cervical column should form an arc that is almost convex in the middle of the neck. However, several people (especially those who work at a desk or computer station) have cervical columns that are projected forward (military neck) or which even form overturned curves.

Studies demonstrate that a rectified or reverse curve weakens the deep muscles of the neck because these muscles are forced to support the spine in a position that anatomically does not suit. Weakened muscles then increase the risk of wounds and cervical pains.

In addition, an imperfect cervical curve disturbs the biomechanics of the neck (the way in which the joints, the muscles and the bones move between them). And this modified vertebral biomechanics can be associated with greater likelihood of developing osteoarthritis.

How can chiropractic care relieve the neck pain?

Ida Norgaard correct the places in the spine where the movement is restricted and where the bones (vertebrae) are desaligned. As expected, these dysfunctional segments called vertebral subluxations are often detected in the spine of patients with straightened or reversed cervical curves.

Chiropractor, Nogaard correct vertebral subluxations with soft maneuvers called chiropractic adjustments. The research demonstrates that these specialized maneuvers restore the movement and alignment of the spine, thus removing the disorders associated with the vertebral subluxations whose neck pain.

Patients who went to a private chiropractic clinic in London for mechanical neck pain or lumbar discomfort have obtained statistically significant discounts of their disability with pain after treatment.

Chiropractic: a global approach to neck pain

The chiropractic approach to end the neck pain is an effective approach because it seeks to correct the underlying cause of this problem rather than masking the symptoms. This is why chiropractic can be more effective than anti-pains for long-term prevention of neck pain.

Treat and relieve lower back pain with Chiropractic

Chiropractor, Ida Norgaard often use other natural approaches to defeat with neck and back pain. These complementary treatments include ergonomic advice, posture training, hot and / or cold therapy, specific exercise programs, dietary supplements and diet changes.

Psychological factors can also influence the risks of a person to develop neck discomfort. For example, studies show that the attitude of a patient in the face of his work predicts his chances of developing cervical pain. More specifically, people who think of failing to control their work environment have a significantly high risk of neck pain.

Other research indicates that stress, depression and anxiety also increase the risk of developing problems of disability of the neck. That’s why Ida Norgaard focus on mental well-being and can recommend consultations with a psychologist or stress reduction programs.

The link between chiropractic and neck pain

Why is it so important to look for chiropractic care from the first signs of pain or stiffness? Because the neck problems are often the primary manifestation of a chronic vertebral disorder. The spine is working as a whole and not as a system of isolated segments. This is why the misalignments in the neck can possibly cause biomechanical dysfunctions in the middle of the back, the lumbar part and the hips.

In addition, stressed muscles in the neck area can trigger disorders in the upper back and shoulders. The nerves of the spinal cord that come out between the cervical vertebrae can be compressed by a dysfunction of the neck and can result in problems of shoulders, arms and hands.

Be proactive – go to the source of your vertebral problem before it spreads. Make an appointment today for a chiropractic evaluation.

How to Relieve Neck Pain with a Chiropractor

When it becomes clear that your pain in the neck is not just a figure of speech, you may need a chiropractor. At INC – Health, we have been sharing the benefits of chiropractic care with residents of London and surroundings for many years. Our chiropractor will identify the root cause of your neck pain before creating a chiropractic care plan to address it.

Not Always Noticed

While triggers like auto accidents may be an obvious contributing factor to neck pain, this is not always the case. Chiropractic care addresses the root cause of your injury, ensuring that your injury is healed, and your neck pain is not merely masked by the effects of highly potent medications.

Not Just Short-Term Relief

Visiting a chiropractor for neck pain relief is your first step in preventing seemingly minor injuries from becoming long-term health issues. Chiropractic adjustments will relieve your neck pain, restore your range of motion, and improve your body’s natural ability to repair itself. Regular adjustments will also minimize the likelihood of your neck pain returning in the future.

Chiropractic Care Does a Body Good

Upon seeking chiropractic care for pain relief, you’ll learn that we don’t just target pain in the affected areas. You’ll discover long-term benefits that result in your entire body feeling pain-free as debilitating, painful, chronic conditions are kept at bay. Using our hands to treat your muscle, joint, and nerve pain in your neck, our team will adjust your spine and joints to loosen tissue damage or scarring. These impacts may be caused by a traumatic injury or repetitive strain such as improper ergonomics that come from daily computer usage or poor posture.

It’s All We Do to Care for You

Our chiropractor, Ida Norgaard focuses on all aspects of chiropractic care. Rather than masking your pain with prescription medication or performing invasive surgery, we focus on effective pain relief that helps you avoid long-term and debilitating pain.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor for Neck Pain Relief in London and surroundings

Call Inc- Health Clinic today at 020 79 31 95 72 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor.

Chiropractor for Neck Pain Near Me

For a consultation or follow-up in London,
Chiropractor for neck pain, Ida Norgaard welcome you to the clinic.

Chiropractor for Neck Pain, Ida Norgaard

Ida Nørgaard is a chiro in London who has over 30 years of experience treating a huge range of people in pain.

She looks at each patient as an individual, providing a framework for self-help with home-based exercises that can fit into your daily routine. She also imparts her vast experience and knowledge working as a chiropractic teacher and examiner, as well as organising and presenting courses for other professionals as well as doing workshops on sciatica and prevention to private and public companies.

Ida continually upgrades her own education in this worldwide and ever-expanding field of chiropractic and rehabilitation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does chiropractic treat?

The field of action of chiropractic is extensive, it treats all neuros-musculos-skeletal pathologies.
It therefore takes care of vertebral pain (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), upper limb and lower limb pain, but also certain headaches, jaw pain and certain types of tinnitus, whatever your age. .

Is chiropractic legal in UK?

The Chiropractors Act provides statutory regulation for the profession and protects its title ‘chiropractor’. The General Chiropractic Council (GCC) is responsible to enforce these laws, so it’s illegal without being registered with them.

What happens during a consultation ?

It takes place in three stages:

-Anamnesis / questions: Your chiropractor takes note of your pain / symptoms, your personal and family medical history, which allows him an initial analysis of your pain.

-The clinical / postural examination: It will identify the cause of your pain (orthopedic, neurological and vascular tests if necessary).

-Treatment: Your chiropractor will perform treatments to treat the origin of your pain. Exercises, as well as postural and dietary advice can also be offered to you.

Several consultations may be necessary in order to treat your pathology and obtain lasting results. The treatment plan will be communicated to you during the consultation according to your symptoms.

How many consultations are needed?

The number of consultations will depend mainly on your pathology / pain, its seniority, your age and your ability to recover. The number and frequency will be proposed to you from the first session.

How much does chiropractor cost UK?

Most patients who have chiropractic treatment pay for it privately. It usually costs around £80 to £100 per session. You do not need to see a GP before making an appointment, but it’s best to speak to them for advice first.

Can chiropractor fix sciatica?

Some people with sciatica seek treatment outside traditional medical care. Chiropractic care is a popular natural treatment for sciatica. It can relieve pain without medication and is generally considered a safe treatment option.

How long does it take for a chiropractor to fix sciatica?

The goal of most chiropractors is to relieve pain as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you have sciatica-like symptoms, your chiropractor will probably only need four visits before they’re able to remove all traces of the problem!

Is chiropractic suitable for my child or during my pregnancy?

For kids :

Treatment techniques are suitable for children. They will be different depending on their age, height and weight. I don’t use manipulations until I’m 11.

For pregnant women:

Chiropractic is recommended for pregnant women. It helps relieve pregnancy-related pain, as well as relaxes the muscles of the pelvis. This allows your baby to have more room in your belly and therefore to develop and position themselves better.

I use a chiropractic table that adapts to your body and gentle techniques to relieve your pain or muscle tension. During the consultation I will show you exercises to do alone or in pairs to relax your back.

The frequency of consultations varies according to your needs.

For a so-called “normal” pregnancy without pain, it is recommended to consult once per trimester.

In the case of pain, the frequency of consultations will be explained to you during your first session.

It is advisable to consult once a month for an ideal follow-up.

Do I need to see my doctor for chiropractic care?

No. Chiropractic is a so-called first-line profession, so you do not have to consult your doctor to consult in chiropractic. However, it is advisable to speak to your general practitioner and to keep a regular follow-up.

How do chiropractors know where to adjust?

We use our hands to carefully examine the patient’s response and range of motion, as well gait. This allows us a better understanding on where we need work with their body in order get them feeling better again

How much does a chiropractor cost in London?

The cost of chiropractic treatment in London can vary anywhere from £80 to £250 per session.

There is a lot of misinformation out there about chiropractic treatment and what it entails. The cost varies depending on the individual doctor, but you should make sure they also have years’ experience as well!

Do chiropractors hurt?

The process of receiving an adjustment is painless because it doesn’t involve any intense feelings or physical discomfort. You may experience pops and cracks, but these will not last long enough for you to feel anything else than mild soreness following your visit with us!

Is a chiropractor worth it?

Chiropractic care has been shown to be an excellent side effect in many cases. The improvement of quality-of life is really a stand out factor, and it can make for happier days than surgery or other expensive medical treatments might not provide you with; however there are drawbacks as well such as higher costs associated with visiting your chiropractor regularly.

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Chiropractor for Neck Pain Reviews


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020 7931 9572



Open Hours

Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday – Sunday — 9:00am – 1:00pm

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