020 7931 9572 info@inc-health.co.uk

Our COVID-19/Corona virus clinic measures 

First I would like to thank you all our clients for their kind messages of encouragement and understanding during this COVID-19 or Corona pandemic and the understanding and patience during this challenging time, and I acknowledge the pain and distress many have been experiencing.

We are happy to announce that inc-HEALTH started working from Monday 15 June so that we may begin helping you through the current and future COVID-19 period.

Several changes have been made to the day to day work, to ensure the clinic is working in line with COVID-19/Corona guidelines as outlined by Public Health England and the British Chiropractic Association.
Before you arrive at the clinic, you will already have given consent signed a declaration that you do not have the COVID-19/Corona virus and have not been in contact with anyone who is displaying symptoms during the past 14 days.
I will be wearing disposable PPE, including gloves, masks and aprons, also visors if required for specific techniques.
There will be an appropriate gap after each patient to allow for PPE change/disposal and a full disinfecting of the treatment room and all contact points in the clinic. The gap will also ensure there is a limited number of people in the clinic to maintain social distancing as per the COVID-19/Corona regulations.
We will be closely following social distancing and hygiene guidelines and as always, ask that if you are feeling unwell, that you please wait until you are better before making an appointment with us.
We will regularly reassess opening times/hours of operation according to current COVID-19 and Corona Public Health England recommendations.
We will continue to do everything we can to provide you with the highest level of care in a safe and relaxing environment during this and the coming COVID-19/Corona pandemic.
Please call us on 020 7931 9572, request a callback or send us a message if you have any questions to our COVID-19/Corona if you have any questions to our COVID-19/Corona measures or want to talk about how we can help you.
Kind Regards
Ida Norgard : Chiropractor London