020 7931 9572 info@inc-health.co.uk

Pregnancy Chiropractor


Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy


Low back and pelvic pain 

Ida treats many women who are pregnant or new mothers. They are often referred to her by obstetricians.

More than two-thirds of women suffer back pain during pregnancy and one in five mothers-to-be experience pelvic pain, which is sometimes severe. These problems can occur due to mechanical changes in the pelvis which may affect joints of the lower back and pelvis. The pain may be so strong that it makes walking or climbing the stairs almost impossible, or it can remain at a low level, sometimes referring into the groin or down the leg.

Chiropractic care, including hands-on therapy, specific exercises and acupuncture (this will require a referral to a suitable therapist), may help.


Pregnant women are as prone to headaches as everybody else. In some cases, this is linked to neck tension or pregnancy-related changes in posture or movement patterns.

Chiropractic care may help ease the symptoms. Treatment is always tailored to your specific needs, and techniques are gentle and safe. Ida Norgaard uses a wide range of techniques, such as hands-on manipulation and soft tissue therapy, together with a ground-breaking rehabilitation method called Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation, which can produce fast and long-standing results by helping the body to move properly.

Are you looking for the best chiropractor for pregnancy pain? During pregnancy, the female body undergoes many structural, physiological and emotional changes that are not without consequences. Chiropractic care provides a natural solution to the many concerns of pregnant women, drugs being mostly contraindicated during this period. The goal of chiropractic in the follow-up of pregnancy is to improve during these 9 months the functioning of the nervous system in order to allow the expression of an optimal health potential for the mother and the child. There is no longer any need to demonstrate that the good development of the child in utero is intimately linked to the state of health of the mother, both physical and psychological. The chiropractor will ensure throughout this pregnancy the good balance of this wonderful tandem.

During the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the woman’s body considers the fetus as a foreign body and the mother will suffer from various ailments such as nausea, headaches, dizziness, anxiety and fatigue. Chiropractic adjustments allow the body to adapt to the upheavals that the future mother is going through.

Normal development and increased fetal weight (as well as placenta size and amniotic fluid volume) cause the center of gravity to shift forward, increasing lumbar lordosis and thus causing additional strain on the pelvis and the spine, source of back pain.

This is also true for the thoracic region which undergoes changes due to the increase in breast volume and lumbar hyperlordosis; The woman then describes heartburn, lower back pain, sciatica, circulatory problems and pain between the shoulder blades with respiratory discomfort. Chiropractic adjustment will rebalance all these tensions and asymmetries in the spine, pelvis and sacrum. The developing uterus is held together by specific ligaments in the mother’s pelvis.

When the pelvis is balanced, the uterus can expand symmetrically to support fetal growth. However, any subluxation of the pelvis can lead to uterine constraints by tension of these ligaments, reducing the space available for the baby. In the long term, these uterine constraints exert strong pressure on the very fragile baby during this period; movements then become limited, the fetus may not be able to turn for delivery. This situation gives rise to longer and more painful deliveries with an increase in cesarean sections, or the use of forceps or suction cups, often essential but traumatic for the child’s skull.

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Chiropractor for Pregnancy Pain

Chiropractic techniques to facilitate the turning of the baby in the seat

For the breech presentation of babies, there is a very specific and painless turning technique in Chiropractic, called the Webster technique, focused on muscle and ligament relaxation, the correction of dysfunctions affecting the mobility of the pelvis and the sacrum. In this way, the uterine constraints are released, favoring the spontaneous turning of the child in the days following the treatment. This work is feasible only after eliminating possible contraindications. Chiropractic adjustments throughout these 9 months contribute to good pelvic dynamics, promoting a more harmonious opening of the pelvic bones when the baby engages in the small pelvis. Labor time and lower back pain during childbirth are reduced. The chiropractor should accompany all pregnant women in order to allow them to better live their pregnancy and to offer a good start to the child who will be born.

Of course, chiropractic does not in any way replace the care of the gynecologist and the midwife.

For this specific follow-up of pregnant women, Ida Nørgaard is a chiropractor who has over 30 years of experience treating a huge range of people in pain.

She looks at each patient as an individual, providing a framework for self-help with home-based exercises that can fit into your daily routine. She also imparts her vast experience and knowledge working as a chiropractic teacher and examiner, as well as organizing and presenting courses for other professionals as well as doing workshops on posture and prevention to private and public companies.

Ida continually upgrades her own education in this worldwide and ever-expanding field of chiropractic and rehabilitation.

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For a pregnancy consultation or follow-up in London,
Chiropractor, Ida Norgaard welcome you to her clinic in London.

Chiropractor for Pregnancy Pain, Ida Norgaard

Ida Nørgaard is a chiropractor in London who has over 30 years of experience treating a huge range of people in pain.

She looks at each patient as an individual, providing a framework for self-help with home-based exercises that can fit into your daily routine. As a Chiropractor for Pregnancy Pain, she offers specialized care to expectant mothers, helping to relieve discomfort and improve mobility during pregnancy.

She also imparts her vast experience and knowledge working as a chiropractic teacher and examiner, as well as organising and presenting courses for other professionals, along with doing workshops on sciatica and prevention to private and public companies.

Ida continually upgrades her own education in this worldwide and ever-expanding field of chiropractic and rehabilitation.


Frequently Asked Questions

What does chiropractic treat?

The field of action of chiropractic is extensive, it treats all neuros-musculos-skeletal pathologies.
It therefore takes care of vertebral pain (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), upper limb and lower limb pain, but also certain headaches, jaw pain and certain types of tinnitus, whatever your age. .

Is chiropractic legal in UK?

The Chiropractors Act provides statutory regulation for the profession and protects its title ‘chiropractor’. The General Chiropractic Council (GCC) is responsible to enforce these laws, so it’s illegal without being registered with them.

What happens during a consultation ?

It takes place in three stages:

-Anamnesis / questions: Your chiropractor takes note of your pain / symptoms, your personal and family medical history, which allows him an initial analysis of your pain.

-The clinical / postural examination: It will identify the cause of your pain (orthopedic, neurological and vascular tests if necessary).

-Treatment: Your chiropractor will perform treatments to treat the origin of your pain. Exercises, as well as postural and dietary advice can also be offered to you.

Several consultations may be necessary in order to treat your pathology and obtain lasting results. The treatment plan will be communicated to you during the consultation according to your symptoms.

How many consultations are needed?

The number of consultations will depend mainly on your pathology / pain, its seniority, your age and your ability to recover. The number and frequency will be proposed to you from the first session.

How much does chiropractor cost UK?

Most patients who have chiropractic treatment pay for it privately. It usually costs around £80 to £100 per session. You do not need to see a GP before making an appointment, but it’s best to speak to them for advice first.

Can chiropractor fix sciatica?

Some people with sciatica seek treatment outside traditional medical care. Chiropractic care is a popular natural treatment for sciatica. It can relieve pain without medication and is generally considered a safe treatment option.

How long does it take for a chiropractor to fix sciatica?

The goal of most chiropractors is to relieve pain as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you have sciatica-like symptoms, your chiropractor will probably only need four visits before they’re able to remove all traces of the problem!

Is chiropractic suitable for my child or during my pregnancy?

For kids :

Treatment techniques are suitable for children. They will be different depending on their age, height and weight. I don’t use manipulations until I’m 11.

For pregnant women:

Chiropractic is recommended for pregnant women. It helps relieve pregnancy-related pain, as well as relaxes the muscles of the pelvis. This allows your baby to have more room in your belly and therefore to develop and position themselves better.

I use a chiropractic table that adapts to your body and gentle techniques to relieve your pain or muscle tension. During the consultation I will show you exercises to do alone or in pairs to relax your back.

The frequency of consultations varies according to your needs.

For a so-called “normal” pregnancy without pain, it is recommended to consult once per trimester.

In the case of pain, the frequency of consultations will be explained to you during your first session.

It is advisable to consult once a month for an ideal follow-up.

Do I need to see my doctor for chiropractic care?

No. Chiropractic is a so-called first-line profession, so you do not have to consult your doctor to consult in chiropractic. However, it is advisable to speak to your general practitioner and to keep a regular follow-up.

How do chiropractors know where to adjust?

We use our hands to carefully examine the patient’s response and range of motion, as well gait. This allows us a better understanding on where we need work with their body in order get them feeling better again

How much does a chiropractor cost in London?

The cost of chiropractic treatment in London can vary anywhere from £80 to £250 per session.

There is a lot of misinformation out there about chiropractic treatment and what it entails. The cost varies depending on the individual doctor, but you should make sure they also have years’ experience as well!

Do chiropractors hurt?

The process of receiving an adjustment is painless because it doesn’t involve any intense feelings or physical discomfort. You may experience pops and cracks, but these will not last long enough for you to feel anything else than mild soreness following your visit with us!

Is a chiropractor worth it?

Chiropractic care has been shown to be an excellent side effect in many cases. The improvement of quality-of life is really a stand out factor, and it can make for happier days than surgery or other expensive medical treatments might not provide you with; however there are drawbacks as well such as higher costs associated with visiting your chiropractor regularly.

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Chiropractor for Pregnancy Pain Reviews

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020 7931 9572



Open Hours

Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday – Sunday — 9:00am – 1:00pm

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